30 weeks

So, it has been awhile. I am now at 30 weeks. I see my Dr. every week and go to the hospital weekly for non-stress testing. I had a songram last week, and the baby was looking good. The kidneys are the same, but are functioning adequately. The time is going fast but not fast enough. I anxiously await the day I will get to hold the baby and see him for the first time. November and December promise to be very busy months for us, so I am glad that I will be plenty occupied to pass the time. I have been so focused on the pregnancy and everything that goes along with it, that I have paid little attention to the fact that in 5 more weeks, I will be done with my Master's! Woo-hoo. Well, that's all for now. I will leave you with a picture taken today. For only gaining 11 pounds, I sure look big!!


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