He's Here!

I am so happy to announce that Todd and I received the best Christmas present anyone could ask for this year. At 7:42am on Christmas morning, our son - Wolfe Philip James Wren - was born.

Although my due date was not until January 12th, I ended up getting induced last week when I began showing early signs of preeclampsia (high blood pressure). After a long Wednesday night and Thursday, my water finally broke Thursday night - so they began administering pitosin. I continued to progress through the night, but by Friday morning, the baby was showing signs of stress because his little heart rate would go down with each contraction. I was only at 6cm, so the Dr. told me that we would have to do a c-section to get the little guy out.
I was so scared and worried, but luckily everything went very quickly and pretty smoothly and before I knew it, Todd and I could hear his sweet cry and we knew he was okay.
Weighing in at 6 pounds 11 ounces and 19" long, he is such a sweet baby. He has dark hair, eyes and mouth like his daddy - but I think he has my nose forehead. He loves to sleep and boy will he get upset if he is cold. We are so happy and I feel so blessed. Getting a gift from God on Christmas day, well it just don't get any better than that!!!!
Wolfe Philip James Wren


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